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P1 Construction Blog

Working Families' Friend Provides Life-Changing Assistance

Working Families' Friend in Kansas City The friend you didn't know you had: WFF President Joan Putthoff; Vice President Niki Montgomery; Director of Development Connie Mann

Ryan was emotional with gratitude when he called Working Families’ Friend (WFF) to say “thank you.” Ryan was a successful carpenter. He had always been able to provide for himself and his family. But when a tragic accident claimed his leg, life got complicated. Multiple medical bills and an expensive prosthetic...

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Lucky Dogs: P1 Group Provides Critical Mechanical Construction for Lawrence Humane Society

Lawrence Humane Society P1 Group

Cats and dogs alike at the brand new $7.5 million Lawrence Humane Society facility are enjoying nicer, larger spaces thanks to the building’s modern additions and renovations. The new building not only houses space for the animals, there are multiple meet-and-greet spaces for their human friends to visit with them and...

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P1 Group Does That: The Power of Single-Source Capability

single source construction p1 group

“I didn’t know P1 Group did that!” Being a single-source Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing (MEP) provider is P1 Group’s critical differentiator. It’s what sets us apart from competition and gives us the edge in providing enhanced capabilities and more benefits to our customers. MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION Pipe, plumbing, sheet metal, controls ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION...

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Wyoming? WY Not? Associate Spotlight on Eric Williams

Eric working

The rugged terrain of Wyoming is where Derby, Kansas, native Eric Williams finds himself these days. Eric has now been a Wyoming resident for five years, and it all started when he joined P1 Group as an HVAC technician. In May 2014, Eric was hired in the Wichita Division. In July 2014,...

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P1 Group Summer Interns Are in the House!

Summer Interns P1

Join us in welcoming the P1 Group summer interns! They come from a variety of backgrounds with diverse educational interests and we look forward to having them around our offices and jobsites. This year's interns represent Ottowa University, Kansas State University, University of Kansas, University of Missouri, Washburn University, Tabor College and...

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Crunching Numbers: Gloria Keating Named CFO of the Year

p1 group kansas city business journal

Congratulations to Gloria Keating for earning the CFO of the Year honor from the Kansas City Business Journal. Only a select group of winners is chosen, representing the best and brightest in finance across the Kansas City Metro. By the 8th grade, P1 Group CFO Gloria Keating knew exactly what she...

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Giving Back to Our Associates’ Favorite Causes

Spring 2019 hero

P1 Group is always looking for ways to support the communities in which we live and work, and the bi-annual Corporate Sponsorship competition allows us to do it for the charities nearest and dearest to our associates’ hearts. Congratulations to Scheduler/Dispatcher Marvin Reese (pictured above, left) from our Lawrence office and Building...

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Choosing a Trade: P1 Group Experts Sound Off

skilled trades hero

May 1 is National Skilled Trades Day, so what better time to celebrate our own men and women in the trades. Labor Shortage There’s a lot of information out there regarding the serious shortage of skilled laborers. Between Baby Boomers retiring and far fewer young people pursuing skilled labor careers, the...

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Community Support: March Madness Bracket Winner Gives Back

p1 group charitable giving

Every year, P1 Group hosts a March Madness bracket challenge designed to build a bit of competitive fun around the office and support great causes that are meaningful to our associates. The winner of the bracket challenge receives half of the entry proceeds, and P1 Group matches the other half to make...

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Project Profile: Children’s Mercy Hospital Research Tower

Childrens Mercy Pictured, above: Massive cooling towers and chillers getting ready for installation.

What you don’t usually see when you visit a hospital are the massive mechanical systems behind the scenes that keep the environment precisely regulated, operations running smoothly, and patients and personnel safe. In 2017, P1 Group was selected by General Contractor McCownGordon Construction for the mechanical scope of the two-part Children’s...

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A Half Century of Wisdom: Joe Camren Shares Insights from Then and Now

Joe Camren P1 Group

P1 Group is in full-swing with its 100-year celebration, and Senior Estimator Joe Camren has been around for more than half of it. One of P1 Group’s longest-tenured employees, Joe started as a plumber apprentice in the field in 1966 (with founding company A.D. Jacobson) and is still going strong as...

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P1 Group Las Vegas Corners Restaurant and Bar Business

p1 group las vegas restaurants Photos 1 and 3 courtesy of Park MGM Las Vegas

You can’t go to Vegas without an extensive array of specialty restaurants and bars at every turn and P1 Group’s Las Vegas office is a major player in their construction and remodel. You already knew Team Las Vegas is a major provider of hospitality construction in the Las Vegas area. But in addition...

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LMH Honors P1 Group with Prestigious Elizabeth Watkins Award

lmh health p1 group Pictured above (from left): Lorrie Belcher, Gloria Keating, Donna Belcher, Bruce Belcher, Meghan Scott, Todd Mihalchik, Sonja Raye, Mitch Campbell.

On February 28 at Maceli’s in Lawrence, Kan., the Lawrence Memorial Hospital (LMH) Health Foundation bestowed one of their highest awards upon P1 Group. Annually, LMH selects a few individuals or businesses to receive the award. Six awards were given this year. According to Earl Reineman, Major Gifts & Planned Giving...

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Lawrence Office Gets a Remodel

p1 group fabrication remodel

The P1 Group Lawrence office is a big part of our history and our future. But the office space at the 220,000 sq. ft. warehouse facility was due for an upgrade.  When P1 Group’s Lawrence office relocated to the current building 13 years ago, it was spacious, but in need of...

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Kindred Bio Expansion Showcases Capabilities

p1 group kindred bio

P1 Group’s Kindred Biosciences Production Expansion project was born from customer relationship building and a solid example of P1 teamwork across many trades and services. KindredBio, a pet biopharmaceutical company based in San Francisco, took over an older pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in Elmwood, KS, and will soon manufacture drugs there for...

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Experts in Technologies: P1 Group’s Mike Griffith Earns BICSI RCDD Certification

p1 group building technologies

Building Technologies Foreman Mike Griffith recently earned the Building Industry Consulting Service International Registered Communications Distribution Designer (BICSI RCDD) certification, adding even more technical expertise to P1 Group’s robust Technologies division.

Serving Customers Through War and Peace: A Proud Kansas City History

P1 Group_100 years

In celebration of our 100-year anniversary, we've been going through the family albums (so to speak). P1 Group’s founding company, A.D. Jacobson, began in 1919 and survived a lot during times of war, peace and even disaster. We found some of their remarkable stories in a promotional brochure published in 1954. In...

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Beyond Monopoly: Julie M. Plays Board Games Like a Pro

p1 group julie m profile

In the world of gamers, there are many who prefer to play board games, with thousands gathering at tabletop game conventions where they can meet game creators and play role, strategy or card games (to name a few) and watch live demonstrations.     P1 Accounting Clerk Julie Metzler has been demonstrating games...

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Building Better Lives: Las Vegas Office Donates Resources to Veteran’s Cause

p1 group las vegas vet

Pictured, above: Army Staff Sergeant Jared Stacey and family; the Stacey family sees their new home for the first time. Building Homes for Heroes is a national organization that recognizes those who serve in the United States Armed Forces by supporting the needs of severely wounded or disabled soldiers and their families. The...

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P1 Kids Make Safety Fun with Calendar Art

p1 group kids calendar

Safety has never been more colorful thanks to the first annual P1 Group Safety Calendar, a new idea this year from our Safety Department. In August, Safety Coordinator Cheri Totta put out the call for artwork from the youngest members of our P1 family. Children ages K-8 belonging to, or related...

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