P1 Group was recently featured in The Fabricator magazine for our streamlined processes and innovations in fabrication, particularly our new WM-36 3D pipe cutting system. "Sometimes meetings and proper scheduling can take you only so far in a fabricating operation. As business grows, maintaining that correct balance of flexibility and on-time delivery gets...
Celebrating Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary In the midst of social distancing and staying at home to slow the spread of COVID-19, it’s more important than ever to do our part to reduce, reuse, and recycle. In June of 2018, P1 Connection brought you a story about the recycling efforts of P1...
We are so inspired by our heroes in the field: The P1 Group personnel getting out there at a dangerous time, continuing to do their jobs so our customers can keep doing theirs, and our Safety team, keeping them safe while they do it. While our office associates are supporting from...
Even though we continue to provide our regular services during regular business hours, P1 Group has temporarily closed offices for those personnel not deemed “essential” in compliance with government and state COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. Some of us have jobs that allow us to work remotely with very little change to our...
Not so long ago, Heather Richards-St. Clair headed off to the University of Central Missouri (UCM) with the dream of becoming a reporter and traveling the world. But when graduation came on the heels of a huge economic recession, she found herself following a different path. Armed with a Bachelor’s degree...
Thanks to the leadership of P1 Group Business Development Manager Tim Moore, P1 Group has been doing a lot more entertaining. Tim has been instrumental in organizing events like P1 Fun@4 and fabrication shop tours that allow customers, prospects, and partners a chance to get to know us better. The Fun@4...
What happens when fabrication, project managers, VDC, manpower, and field experts in multiple trades get together on a committee? We do things better. “How can we improve what we do and how we do it?” This is the question at the heart of the Productivity Committee, created with communicating new ideas...
You may not realize how much of what you learn, and the daily resources you use as a P1 Group associate come from Vanessa Taylor, IT Special Projects. Most of us have touched base with Vanessa at some point with an IT issue or task, and solving our various conundrums is...
One of the most common challenges P1 Group faces on the job is working around unforeseeable conditions, such as weather or busy facilities that can’t be shut down for construction. In many instances, our field teams have to think quick to come up with rescheduling solutions and demonstrate extreme care working...
Join us in congratulating Lenexa Project Developer J.B. Ashcraft and Las Vegas Foreman Abdon Provencio, winners of our Fall 2019 Corporate Sponsorships. JB earned $500 for the Off the Grid Adventures Intercept Program (OTG). The program is an outdoor, camping/adventure program that reaches out to at risk youth, father/sons, families, veterans,...
Last year marked the inaugural P1 Group Safety Calendar made purely from art by kids related to our associates. And the calendar is back for 2020! Children ages K-8th belonging, or related, to P1 associates, entered their 8.5 x 11 hand-drawn artwork reflecting the theme “what does worker safety mean to...
Motivation and a “can do” attitude have never been a problem for Rachel Toney. And that is exactly what she summoned to make an unorthodox career move, creating a better life for her and her family. Even as a teenager she had a strong drive for success. Dually enrolled in both...
The January weather is cold and the Science at Play outdoor exhibit at Science City stands empty most days, but inside, preparations are being made to open two new exhibits, Creative Corner and Let’s Play. Union Station in Kansas City is a celebrated historical landmark and home of the internationally awarded...
Maybe it’s the yellow car, the high heeled tennis shoes, or the cat ear headphones, but whatever it is, you can tell right away that Marketing Manager Victoria Hoffman has a flair for the dramatic. But it didn’t start out that way. As a child, she was painfully shy. In her...
P1 Group isn’t the only group that embodies “The Expertise of Many, The Power of One.” P1 recently welcomed a group of 16 electrical and low-voltage technicians who have worked together for decades, putting aside rank, varying expertise, and barriers to work together as one. Sound unusual? It is. Registered Communications...
P1 Group is committed to helping fill the pipeline of talented construction and trade workers, which is why we developed the Construction Science Scholarship, awarded yearly to a promising student in the Kansas State University Construction Science program. This year, Miguel Chacon Andrade was the lucky recipient. “I chose Construction Science...
Accuracy. Efficiency. Reduced Waste. In the ever-changing world of technology, P1 Group is always looking for ways to work better while increasing the quality of our work.The newly acquired CNC Machine will do just that. CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control. This means a computer converts the design produced by Computer...
Most people are familiar with P1 Group’s distinctive position as a single-source provider, and the recently added Controls department brings yet another advantage to owners and customers. The Controls department currently has staff operating out of the Kansas City (Lenexa) and Wichita offices, but supports all of the Kansas City metro,...
A multi-dimensional flag appears to ripple right off the wall at P1 Group’s Lenexa headquarters. The piece was created by our own Architectural Metal Division at the 32,800 sq. ft. Architectural Metal shop in Kansas City, MO. The flag was unveiled at P1 Group's 100th Anniversary Celebration in September. Vice President...
Personal Training Builds Career Muscles While trial by fire can be a good way to learn, no one likes the anxiety that comes with a brand new job, project deadlines, and all new software and systems to learn. That’s where P1 University comes in. P1 Group goes above and beyond to...